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January 15, 2024                                                 

9 am – 2 pm

4590 Wilmington St. Houston, TX. 77051


Cognitive Justice Intl. & 180 Degrees Presents the inaugural MLK Day Conference: Community and Chaos: Exploring Factors of Violence Intervention Hosted at The Pro-Vision Academy. The conference is inspired by the final book authored by Martin Luther King Jr. 'Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos and Community'. This event promises to be a transformative experience, bringing together youth, families, activists, community and community leaders to engage in an exploration of the dynamics surrounding community violence intervention.


The MLK Day conference will be held on January 15, 2024 from 9 am – 2 pm, at The Pro-Vision Academy 4590 Wilmington St. Houston, TX. 77051. The talks and sessions aim to spark meaningful conversations, foster connections, and inspire positive change. Together, let's navigate the complexities of "Community and Chaos" with a shared commitment to building a safer communities.


Opening and Closing Keynote Speakers

Opening Speaker 1: Timmeka Perkins MS - Timmeka Perkins currently serves as a Senior Associate with the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Center for Civic Sites and Community Change focusing on community-based strategies for safety and violence reduction. She oversees a portfolio of national investments in gun violence prevention and place-based initiatives in five sites including Baltimore.


Prior to starting with the Foundation, she served as Anne Arundel County Police Department’s Director of Youth and Victim Engagement, where she worked to create a more equitable and trauma-informed system through restorative justice practices, frontline youth diversion programs and uplifting youth and community voice. She is an experienced law enforcement trainer on topics including: Fair and Impartial Policing, Crisis Intervention, ACEs and the School-to-Prison Pipeline.


Timmeka has worked for over a decade as a tireless advocate in both the public and non-profit sectors in the fields of social justice, violence reduction and child welfare. She received her M.S. in Criminal Justice Administration from Colorado State University in 2021 and graduated from Marshall University with her B.A. in Counseling in 2012.


Closing Speaker 2: Roynell Young, Founder & CEO of Pro-Vision Academy - Roynell Young, former Philadelphia Eagles All-Pro Cornerback, is Founder and CEO of Pro-Vision Inc., a nonprofit he had the privilege of stewarding in 1990, with a vision for developing Houston’s often forgotten and overlooked young people.


Mr. Young enjoyed a nine-year career in the National Football League. The Eagles selected him from Alcorn State University, in the first round of the 1980 NFL Draft. After enjoying a successful football career for almost a decade, Mr. Young retired in 1988 to pursue his passion for youth and community development. In 2017 he was inducted into the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) Hall of Fame for the distinction, honor and contributions he made to SWAC. In 2021, Mr. Young was inducted into the Black College Football Hall of Fame.


Pro-Vision has evolved into an organization which works with young people in general, young men and young women. Because Mr. Young believes that our young women are equally if not more valuable than the young men, we have added the S.H.E. (Strong, Healthy and Empowered) program to help develop their virtue and character. Pro-Vision sits in the heart of a food desert. It has brought about a commercial working farm that not only feeds individuals in the community, but sells product to grocery stores as well as restaurants. This is important to Mr. Young because it speaks to the sustainability of Pro-Vision, its programs and the economic freedom that brings independence to the community.


Mr. Young was personally chosen by the U.S. State Department to lead a televised conference in Bosnia in 2010 on how to work with disenchanted male youth; and he delivered the 2010 keynote address speech at the Juvenile Justice Conference. Mr. Young was recognized for his work by Former Governor Rick Perry, Former U.S. Secretary of Education, Rod Paige, Former City Councilmember and current Member of the U.S. Congress Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Congressman Al Green, and Former U.S. Congressman Chris Bell.


Mr. Young and the Pro-Vision story have been featured in the New York Times, Time for Kids, Guideposts Magazine and Men’s Journal magazine, among other national news networks.  Locally, features have run in the Houston Chronicle, as well as the CBS, ABC and Fox26 networks.


Breakout Rooms Tackling Critical Issues: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in sessions focused on practical strategies for violence prevention, community-building, and fostering cognitive justice. Interactive sessions with community leaders, activists, and scholars will provide a platform for collaborative learning and actionable insights.


Voices of Resilience - Overcoming Trauma and Building Community (Small Breakout Sessions) Clergy in room: Survivors of violence, advocates, and experts will share powerful insights on overcoming trauma and building resilient communities. This session emphasizes the importance of community support and available resources in the journey from victimhood to resilience.


Digital Shadows - Social Media Elements of Violence: Explore the complexities of violence in the digital age as experts discuss how violence manifests on social media and spills over into real life. The panel will address the genesis of digital violence, prevention strategies, and the intersectionality of online aggression with real-world consequences.


Reflecting on 'Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos and Community' – MLK Book Dialogue on Progress in Social Justice: Engage in an open and inclusive dialogue reflecting on the progress made since Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic speech and book, 'Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos and Community '. Participants will assess the current state of social justice, explore the intersectionality of movements, and discuss actionable steps toward a more equitable society.


Closing Ceremony - Call to Action

The conference will conclude with a powerful closing ceremony, highlighting key takeaways and issuing a call to action. Participants will be encouraged to translate insights gained throughout the day into tangible steps for contributing to violence prevention in their communities.

Registration Information

Register for the MLK Day Conference at


For media inquiries, sponsorship, vendor opportunities, or interview requests, contact

Sydney Dean


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