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About Us

Cognitive Justice Intl. (CJI), envisions a world where justice-involved and underserved communities have equitable access to transformative education, empowering them to break the cycle of incarceration and community violence to create pathways to success. Our vision is grounded in the belief that every individual, regardless of their past, deserves the opportunity to build a better future through education and cognitive empowerment.


We strive to be a beacon of cognitive justice, fostering a society that values transformation over punishment. Our vision encompasses a network of agencies, working hand-in-hand with justice-involved individuals and underserved communities. Through education and skill-building, we aim to dismantle systemic barriers and cultivate a culture of understanding, resilience, community and self-sufficiency through our core programs.


Lone Star Community Violence Intervention Alliance (LCA), an integral arm of CJI, plays a crucial role in our vision. We envision safer and more harmonious communities achieved through comprehensive and structured violence intervention programs. Our school and community-based initiatives are designed to reduce and mitigate violence within educational institutions and community, fostering an environment where students, staff and community can thrive without the fear of harm.


Doors 2 Serenity, exhibits a dedication that drives our commitment to providing exceptional supportive housing tailored to uplift diverse community needs, including veterans, re-entry, seniors, those with disabilities, and limited income. Recognizing the uniqueness of each journey, we offer flexible short-term and permanent placement options, ensuring residents experience a significant improvement in their quality of life. More than just housing, Doors 2 Serenity is a sanctuary where hope takes root, fostering a community of resilience and empowerment. Join us, where passion meets purpose, and everyone, regardless of circumstances, finds the support needed to navigate life's challenges. Welcome to a place where the doors to serenity are open wide for you.


Cognitive Justice Intl. stands as a catalyst for societal transformation, advocating for policies that prioritize, intervention, rehabilitation, education, and community. Through our efforts, we aspire to create a world where Cognitive Justice prevails, giving everyone the opportunity to rewrite their narrative, contribute meaningfully to society, and ultimately break the cycle of violence, systematic barriers and promote equitable opportunities to thrive.

What is Cognitive Justice?

Cognitive Justice is a transformative concept that recognizes the inherent dignity and potential for growth within every individual, particularly those who have been justice-involved or marginalized in society. At its core, Cognitive Justice seeks to address the cognitive and suppressed resilience of these populations, aiming to break the cycles of incarceration, violence, and systemic disadvantage. Underserved population often possess unspoken stigmas, triggers and traumas that regularly hinder their capacity to move toward success, even with close guidance.

In a developing world, Cognitive Justice is crucial for several reasons:


Transformation Over Punishment:

Cognitive Justice shifts the focus from punitive measures to transformation, acknowledging that individuals can change and grow with the right support and opportunities. By prioritizing transformation, rehabilitation, prevention and intervention societies can break the cycle of incarceration and other systematic barriers to provide avenues for personal and collective development.


Breaking Systemic Barriers:

Cognitive Justice challenges systemic barriers that contribute to cycles of violence, poverty, crime, and incarceration. By addressing the social determinates of health and root causes of these issues, such as inadequate education and limited opportunities, Cognitive Justice Intl. aims to create more equitable communitites.


Community Empowerment:

Through cognitive empowerment, individuals gain the tools to become active and positive contributors to their communities. This empowerment not only benefits individuals on a personal level but also strengthens the social fabric by fostering a sense of responsibility, cooperation, and shared progress.


Addressing the Root Causes of Violence:

In a developing world, violence is often symptomatic of deeper issues such as inequality, lack of education, and limited economic opportunities. Cognitive Justice addresses these root causes, offering comprehensive and structured violence prevention programs that aim to mitigate violence at its source, particularly within educational institutions.


Advancing Social Justice:

Cognitive Justice is an integral part of the broader social justice movement. By advocating for the rights and well-being of justice-involved and underserved populations, it contributes to a more equitable and compassionate society where everyone has the chance to fulfill their potential.


In summary, Cognitive Justice is a defining idea that encapsulates the belief in the transformative power of education, rehabilitation, and equitable opportunities. It is not only important for the individuals directly impacted but also for society as a whole, as it lays the foundation for a more just, inclusive, and compassionate world.

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